Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

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Week 10_Long term care

Week 10_Long term care

Q This week we are speaking about long term care quality. How can we ensure consistent quality care be provided to residents? If you were an administrator at a Long Term Facility list 4 different types of training you would do with your healthcare staff to make them better healthcare employees.

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The first thing that I want to mention in this context is that in the last discussion forum, I talked about one of the long term reimbursement issues, which was the unwillingness of the citizens who require the long term assistance to buy long term care insurance. The reason behind this has been lack of quality in the assistance and care service and high premium. It has been found out that the issue regarding reimbursement has become a stagnant issue for quite a long time now and thus it has become kind of a necessity to improvise the system and ensure quality care.